Portfolio Review Day will be on May 4th in the Gallery from 12 – 6:30 p.m.
Students contemplating transferring to a 4-year degree program in the arts or who are preparing for careers in the arts are encouraged to come and show their portfolios (no matter how incomplete) to school and industry representatives. This is an invaluable opportunity to get feedback from admissions officers and industry pros about your work and how to build a successful portfolio for your application. Don’t miss this!
8 Colleges for portfolio reviews and program information:
School of Visual Arts (SVA)
School of the Chicago Art Institute
Rutgers Camden (online meetings)
FIT (online meetings from 12:30-3:30)
William Paterson University
Ramapo College of NJ
Montclair State
Parsons, The New School
3 Graphic Design Firms:
Richard Chandler from Chandler Art & Design (online) will review portfolios and give information and advice on internships and entry level graphic design jobs
Jeff Gellis from APV Communications (in person appointments required 12-2pm 30 min meetings) will review portfolios, share information and answer questions on entry level jobs and options in the graphic design world
Chris Dalecki from Cutting Edge Designs and Printing learn what it’s like to work on the back end of graphic design from a printing company expert
BCC Alumni:
Jed Empleo Graphic Designer for the NY Giants: Empleo’s education at BCC and Montclair set him up for a career in graphic design at HBO, Livenation, Wyndham Worldwide and more. He will answer questions about life after BCC and review portfolios.
AIGA American Institute for Graphic Arts: the professional association for design:
Stacey Panousopoulos from AIGA will inform students on the advantages of being part of a professional group that can provide opportunities such as internships, networking, information and more.